Sustainability at Codegarden 2024

At Umbraco we are committed to creating a sustainable business, regarding both people, the planet and profitability. We believe that we have to consider all three factors in order to shape Umbraco into the company that we want it to be.

We have put a lot of work and consideration into making Codegarden as sustainable as possible. Here you can see what we are focusing on:

  • Water Bottles: We have been investigating what would be the best solution for drinking water. And while cardboard-boxes with water look more sustainable, the plastic that they are coated with on the inside, make them less sustainable than regular plastic bottles. The plastic bottles that we are using  are designed to be recycled in the Danish “pant” system, which is world leading when it comes to recycling drinks-containers.
  • Better trash/waste management: This year we have added waste sorting stations to the venue, which is familiar to most danes, but might require a bit of introduction if you are not a local. Please help out by sorting your trash into the appropriate containers. And if you are in doubt, then ask a friendly Umbraco staff member.
  • We recycle as many of the venue materials as possible.
  • The nametags/badges are made from recycled paper and the lanyards are re-used from previous events.
  • Codegarden is a hybrid event, which makes it possible to attend virtually and save the travel emissions. We would love to see you all in person, but we are also aware that both travel time and environmental considerations makes the virtual option a solid alternative to joining in person.
  • We prioritize using local suppliers where possible, meaning less emissions from transportation of everything from food to AV-equipment/staff, to venue building materials.
  • Larger suppliers (over 10.000 EUR) are being thoroughly vetted.
  • We are using all Codegarden costs as a basis for categorizing the CO2e emissions associated with them. And we are offsetting these emissions.
  • We are offsetting CG flights based on country of origin of the attendees.

What you can do at Codegarden

There are a number of things you can do to contribute to a lower Codegarden footprint. We would really appreciate it if you:

  • Leave your lanyard for it to be re-used at future events at the end of the event.
  • Put your trash in the right bins 
  • Consider refilling your water bottles from the water taps - We have some of the best tap-water in the world. And it's not chlorinated.
  • Bring your own reusable coffee cup / thermos
  • Rent a shared bicycle from Donkey Republic instead of taking taxis
  • Attend the sustainability sessions and TableTalksthat are relevant to your work and take the knowledge home with you and spread the word on how to create more sustainable web-solutions.

Sustainability related content at Codegarden

Sustainability plays an important role during the entire event and you have multiple choices to choose from if you want to be inspired, or even participate in discussions about sustainability in and around Umbraco.


  • 9:15 am - Main Stage (Social Space): Umbraco Keynote - Umbraco CTO Filip will be talking about sustainability in the CMS
  • 11:15 am - Main Stage (Social Space): “Integrated SSR and Caching in Umbraco”
  • 11:15 am - Unicorn Stage: What's cooking in Umbraco 13 and 14?
  • 2:10 pm - Theater: Deep dive into the Award winning UK Power Networks platform
  • 15:15 pm - GREEN TABLE TALK (Social Space): What's next for the Sustainability Team


  • 9:00 am - Unicorn Stage: Umbraco Cloud - Learn about Umbraco Cloud in general and what we are doing to make the climate impact of Cloud hosted sites more visible.
  • 11:00 am - H5YR stage: Async All the Things
  • 11:40 am - Theater: Why Peter is not going to codegarden to talk about sustainability
  • 1:15 pm - GREEN TABLE TALK (Social Space): Making web-development more sustainable
  • 3:15 pm - H5YR stage: Green Code: A Blueprint for Eco-Friendly Websites


Diversity and inclusion equals sustainability

Beyond looking at our environmental impact we are working on a number of other fronts in order to make Umbraco events as sustainable as possible. We want to see a future with more equality, be it among genders, race, beliefs or any other differentiators, as we believe that a diverse conference/workplace/circle of friends all benefit from having a diverse group of people contributing with their thoughts and ideas.

We believe that we can make a difference by supporting speakers and participants that are under-represented in any way in order to both enable them to participate, and to make examples of them for others to follow.  Read about our commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Creating a sustainable ecosystem in and around Umbraco

The above is a taste of our work with some facets of sustainability. You can dive further into our efforts in our most recent impact report here.